Lake Host
The Lake Host Program
Clean water, healthy wildlife, and stable property values depend on a healthy lake free of invasive species. The NH LAKES Lake Host Program is the first line of defense in protecting our lakes from invasive plants and animals.
These lake heroes protect the lakes you love by capturing invasive species that try to sneak in on boats, trailers, and gear.
They offer free, complimentary boat inspections to teach boaters about the Clean, Drain, and Dry method of preventing aquatic invasive species.
Want to know more about the latest “saves” made recently? Click here!
You can expect to meet a Lake Host at some of the most popular New Hampshire boat launch sites. Look for the iconic uniform—a royal blue t-shirt and a big smile!
Are you a Lake Host or Local Coordinator? Click here for everything you need to protect your lake!
Get Involved!
Clean, Drain, and Dry
Don’t let aquatic invasive species invade our precious lakes. Once they arrive, they may never leave. Practice the clean, drain, and dry method to stop the spread.
Keep an Eye Out for Aquatic Invasive Species
Do you think you’ve seen an aquatic invasive plant or animal lurking in the water or hitchhiking on a boat, trailer, or other recreational gear? Learn what they look like and how to report them.
Become a Lake Host
It’s a fun way to get outdoors, meet others in your community, and help protect lakes from aquatic invasive species.
Just tell us where you’re interested in working or volunteering, and we will help set you up.
Establishing a Lake Host Program
The Lake Host Program makes arming your lakes with paid and volunteered Lake Hosts easy. Learn how you can be a hero for your lake.