Representative Rosemarie Rung receives the Reverend Sidney Lovett Memorial Award for Exemplary Lake Advocacy

NH LAKES recently named Representative Rosemarie Rung as the recipient of the 2024 Reverend Sidney Lovett Memorial Award for Exemplary Lake Advocacy. During NH LAKES’ annual Lakes Congress conference on June 6, Peter Lovett, son of Sidney Lovett, along with NH LAKES President Andrea LaMoreaux and Lake Kanasatka community member Matthew Rosenfield, presented the award.


This award is given every two years by NH LAKES to recognize an individual who exhibits extraordinary and selfless service at the local, municipal, and/or state level, bringing people together to advocate for the restoration and protection of New Hampshire’s lakes through public policy.


Rung is completing her third term in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. She has successfully passed legislation to strengthen penalties for environmental contamination, establish PFAS regulations for municipal wastewater facilities, address growing cyanobacteria blooms in lakes, and more.


The life and work of the late Reverend Sidney Lovett (1928 – 2021) inspired NH LAKES to establish this award two years ago. Throughout his life, Lovett served many as a pastor, politician, and environmentalist. He served as the Chair of the NH LAKES Board of Directors in 1993 and 1994. He served five terms in the New Hampshire House of Representatives and sat on the Resources, Recreation, and Development Committee, where he advocated for New Hampshire’s lakes—including his beloved Squam Lake.


“It is in tribute to Sid’s enthusiasm for education, politics, and the environment, his kindness, and his unparalleled ability to connect people that NH LAKES established the Reverend Sidney Lovett Memorial Award for Exemplary Lake Advocacy,” explained LaMoreaux. “And, we couldn’t think of a more deserving advocate than Representative Rung. She has been a true leader in the state house, bringing groups together to pass common-sense laws to improve and safeguard the health of our environment and our lakes.”


Lovett added, “My dad would be pleased that Rosemarie received this award. She is someone who gets things done.”

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