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The Newfound Lake Community Embraces Lake-Friendly Living

Ken Weidman and Pamela Drypolcher show off their family cottage's LakeSmart Award, the first of hopefully many in the Newfound Watershed.

NH LAKES and the Newfound Lake Region Association Partner to Bring Statewide LakeSmart Program to the Newfound Watershed

Concord, NH, November 5, 2024 – NH LAKES and the Newfound Lake Region Association (NLRA) are pleased to announce the first LakeSmart award-winning properties along Newfound Lake. LakeSmart is a free, non-regulatory, and voluntary program that connects property owners with the information they need to adopt lake-friendly practices to help restore and protect the health of the lake they live near. 

By becoming LakeSmart, property owners reduce polluted runoff water from entering nearby waterways, help protect wildlife habitat and property values, and prevent cyanobacteria blooms. Through their partnership, NH LAKES and NLRA bring this opportunity to the Newfound Watershed, offering guidance and support to residents as they work to make their properties more lake-friendly.

Empowering Newfound’s Communities to Join the LakeSmart Movement

Through LakeSmart, residents can take a simple, online self-assessment to learn about potential improvements to make their properties more lake-friendly. The program’s customized recommendations make it easy for property owners to make improvements. Property owners who adopt LakeSmart living practices receive the LakeSmart Award and recognition in their community.

“Having NH LAKES as a partner in expanding LakeSmart to Newfound is an incredible benefit to our community,” said Rebecca Hanson, Executive Director of NLRA. “This program puts lake-friendly living into the hands of residents and gives them the resources to become active lake stewards.”

Andrea LaMoreaux, President of NH LAKES, added, “We hope these first LakeSmart Awards on Newfound inspire others in communities across the state to join the movement.”

Join LakeSmart Today

If you want to do all you can to live in a lake-friendly way and ensure the lake you love is restored and preserved, then LakeSmart is for YOU! No matter where you live, next to a lake, or miles from it, what you do in and on your property can ultimately impact a lake. Discover what lake-friendly living opportunities you can take on your property through the FREE online LakeSmart Start survey. Learn more at

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